Business grants in the Vienna Region

Published on:

November 1, 2023

If you are looking for business grants and jump-start programs for your company, the Vienna Region is THE ideal location for you. Startups from all over the world appreciate the available support in setting up shop, gaining brand awareness, or finding investors. All the important factors that are needed for an ideal business environment can be found in the Vienna Region.

Business grants in the Vienna Region

If you are looking for business grants and jump-start programs for your company, the Vienna Region is THE ideal location for you. Startups from all over the world appreciate the available support in setting up shop, gaining brand awareness, or finding investors. All the important factors that are needed for an ideal business environment can be found in the Vienna Region.

Business grants and benefits in the Vienna Region

The Vienna Region is an innovative and modern place – the perfect location to create a new business. Besides its location in the heart of Europe, both national and international companies appreciate the region excellent infrastructure. Moreover it’s highly wanted for its connectivity as well as its networking opportunities. The Vienna Region is a hub for digitalization, innovation, research, and development. Climate protection and sustainability are a priority in government plans, as is the expansion of smart cities. Industrial properties are still available at a comparatively low price.

On top of all of that, business grants are available. Entrepreneurs can participate in jump-start programs and accelerators. In addition the financing is one of the biggest issues when creating a new company. Austria offers an extensive system of public funding and early-stage investment. Forbes Magazine has even named the Vienna Region the best place to start a business. The spirit of entrepreneurship is strong in the Vienna Region – new businesses and ideas are encouraged and subsidized.

Vienna Business Agency

The Vienna Business Agency was founded in 1982 as the Vienna Economic Development Fund (Wirtschaftsförderungsfonds). It supports both local and international companies in their business development. This includes advice on corporate issues and assisting ex-pats to get settled in Vienna.

It’s THE place to contact if you want to establish a company or startup in Vienna. If you’re looking for production sites, business premises, laboratories, office space, or advice and new partnerships, you will receive all the information you need. There is help regarding funding for companies from any industry and of any size in Vienna.

A list of grants and support for your business

The website offers a detailed overview of investment funds and investor networks based in Vienna. The list of business grants is quite long. Each of them has a different thematic focus. You can have a look through them all to find out which programs would suit your project or you can use filters to arrive at suitable results more quickly.

Viennese companies are supported with aid from the City of Vienna. The necessary information, (for example conditions for monetary support and eligibility criteria) are available for download online, directly at the funding programs. Applications can be submitted online as well.


ecoplus – Lower Austria

Ecoplus  is the Business Agency of Lower Austria. Ist services are directed towards entrepreneurs as well as investors. Ecoplus connects business, politics, and science. It emphasizes cooperation projects, where multiple parties come together for networking and exchange. Technology hubs facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among research facilities, educational institutions, and business enterprises.

Ecoplus assists projects characterized by sustainability and innovation. Submitted projects should use local resources and create added value or jobs in the region. Further the business grants include regional funding, investments by municipalities, companies, associations and initiatives as well as by individuals. The agency offers support in the implementation of your project idea from the initial consultation to the funding processing.

Since 1987 ecoplus approved more than 3,670 projects, mobilized € 1.5B in regional funds and EU co-financing, created and secured approx. 26,000 jobs, and managed more than 1,100 consultancy projects. With the support of ECO PLUS 102 businesses settled down in Lower Austria and 1639 jobs were created in 2021.


Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland

Burgenland’s Business Agency offers financial support and 1-to-1 coaching as well as various workshops. The programs include consulting, expert advice, and office infrastructure. The agency is a reliable partner for all business endeavors in Burgenland. Furthermore the specialized programs accompany start-ups as well as companies that relocate to Burgenland. Guidance is given throughout the entire settlement and set-up process. From one-person companies to small and medium-sized enterprises, from local family businesses to international companies – every business will find the support it needs. As an EU transition region, Burgenland offers particularly favorable funding conditions.

Level up in the last years

In recent years, Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland has accompanied many companies on their way to funding and awarded a large number of subsidies. The agency can help analyze financing structure, locate potential and find customized solutions. An overview of all current subsidies and a step-by-step guide to the funding process can be found on the agency’s website. Further details can be obtained in a personal conversation.


Funding for Start-ups in Austria

Impact Hub Vienna provides support and various programs for startups. The worldwide network is a hub for the exchange of innovative ideas.

Austrian Startups is a neutral and independent platform that helps startups to connect and expand their business.

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (AWS) are two important funding sources in Austria. They offer business grants, guarantees, or subsidized loans.

The accelerator weXelerate offers the biggest open innovation hub within Austria. According to their specific needs, startups can choose between three different programs, each of which has a different focus.

In Lower Austria, the IST Cube Klosterneuburg offers support and coaching to startups focusing on deep tech solutions in science, engineering, and technology.

An excellent business location

The Vienna Region is an attractive place to launch a new business or establish a new production facility. All the important success factors a location can offer await you here.  Austria supports new businesses with public and private initiatives and has developed a vibrant and fertile start-up scene. There is a lot of well-organized support, with financial benefits and a great network of innovative minds. On top of that, the quality of life is really high, making it a desirable place to relocate to. The Vienna Region awaits you!

Details about the investment environment
Blogarticle about the success factors of the Vienna Region for companies, startups and entrepreneurs

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