Successful start-ups in the Vienna Region

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October 31, 2022

Successful start-ups in the Vienna Region

The spirit of entrepreneurship is increasingly apparent in the Vienna Region, where tens of thousands of companies and hundreds of start-ups have been founded in the past few years. The Vienna Region offers the perfect conditions for successful start-ups and attracts national and international entrepreneurs alike. Let’s have a closer look at a few success stories – and maybe yours will soon be added to that list!


The Viennese flea market app with millions of users was launched in 2012. The mobile marketplace helps people declutter their homes, sell items that are no longer needed, and boost their wallets. Buyers save money and reduce their environmental impact by purchasing second-hand items. Buying second-hand is a huge step towards sustainable living. Protecting our climate and resources is of utmost importance to the Vienna Region. The climate strategies aim at CO2 neutrality and smart cities. The implementation of renewable energy, e-sharing, and sustainability are promoted and subsidized in all areas of life. Having been downloaded tens of millions of times, the success of the Shpock App shows that these goals aren’t just lofty government agendas but are shared by the public – within Austria and abroad.

41% of start-ups in the Vienna Region deal with software or hardware. Austria is a forerunner in digital transformation. It is home to innovations that bring millions of people together, provide advantages to end-users as well as to the environment, and create substantial profit at the same time.

Blogarticle about the successful companies in the Vienna Region


The start-up was founded in 2011 by graduates of the Vienna University of Technology. Lithoz specializes in the development and manufacturing of materials for the 3D printing of high-performance ceramics. Their interdisciplinary collaboration between specialists in the fields of mechanical engineering, process engineering, and chemistry has yielded excellent results. The system produced in Austria is especially suitable for the production of high-precision and complex applications, meeting the high demands of the ceramics industry. Lithoz manufactures products for industrial and medical use. Their in-house specialists have a high level of expertise offering not only expert advice but also customer-specific solutions.

There is a large number of tech-based startups in the Vienna Region. That is connected to the very high educational level from a technical perspective, guaranteed by the universities of technology and many universities of applied sciences. Motivated and excellently trained people graduate from these schools. So, if you are looking for employees for your company, you will find a vast array of talents here. A lot of effort is being put into research, educational institutions, and the facilitation of interdisciplinary and international exchange. Together with government funding, networks and platforms for the exchange of innovative ideas, the Vienna Region offers the perfect conditions for successful start-ups.

Covid fighters

COVID Fighters is an initiative of Artichoke Computing GmbH and operates as a natural science laboratory with its headquarters in Lower Austria. Founded in 2020 by a dedicated team of IT specialists, Artichoke Computing GmbH is a laboratory start-up that has become one of Austria’s largest laboratory companies for PCR test evaluations. This quick response to the Covid 19 Epidemic shows how well-established science, infrastructure, and digital technologies are in the Vienna Region. Equipment, knowledge, specialists, funding, and research facilities are available in times of repose as well as in times of crisis.

Artichoke Computing GmbH now offers a range of high-quality evaluation methods and biometric systems. The laboratory services are evaluated at a large site in Lower Austria and in the Austria-wide mobile container laboratories. Covid Fighters offers PCR corona tests according to the Gold Standard for individuals, companies, and institutions. At seven locations throughout Austria and a high-performance center for test evaluation in St. Pölten, the technical capacity is up to 300,000 individual samples per day, depending on the type of evaluation.

Science and medical research have a long history in the Vienna Region. Since the imperial days, Austria has been a magnet for great thinkers, physicians, and medical innovations. Today, Austria operates one of the best health systems in the world. There are many renowned medical universities and research facilities in Austria, making the region attractive for medical companies. Moreover, there are the benefits of great infrastructure, extensive networks, and modern technologies. With first-class clinics, highly qualified doctors, and state-of-the-art equipment Austria is a lively market for medical technology and successful start-ups.


The now-international weather service UBIMET is a competence center for meteorology and severe weather alerts. Ubimet’s history of success began in 2004. The company was initially founded as a start-up in Vienna by a chemist and a meteorologist who had met during a physics lecture at the University of Vienna. The Vienna Region is home to a vast number of universities and colleges with more than 210.000 students. Optimally motivated and excellently trained people graduate from these schools. Companies can recruit qualified new employees and can benefit from an international network of innovation.

Today, UBIMET’s global headquarters are still based in Vienna. With branch offices in Karlsruhe, Melbourne, Munich, New York, and Zurich, the UBIMET Group is now represented on three continents. It has developed into one of the largest and fastest-growing independent providers of meteorological services.

UBIMET started by providing railways, press agencies, and insurance companies with serious weather warnings. A few years into its existence it expanded its activities to Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic, and later on to Australia and the USA. Austria is a direct neighbour to many European countries which makes it an excellent location for successful start-ups to expand from. The central location of Austria and its business connections are a hugely profitable advantage. Moreover, the Vienna Region is a forerunner in digitalization, data transfer, and automation. A lot of effort is being put into research, educational institutions, and the facilitation of interdisciplinary and international exchange. Companies working in this field will find the ideal environment for their business. On top of that, Austria’s excellent reputation facilitates international expansion and is a benefit for any company that settles here.

Do you also want to become a successful company in the science sector? Take a look at our portrait of Dr. Bohrer Lasertec and get inspired.

The place to be

The Vienna Region is home to a large number of successful start-ups. This is the result of many beneficial factors coming together and providing a fertile base for new businesses to grow. Attractive government subsidies, low-priced industrial grounds, and tax benefits support entrepreneurs. Networks and platforms offer mentoring and intellectual exchange. Prestigious events and competitions help establish networks among Central and Eastern European business innovators.

Hence, a highly dynamic start-up ecosystem has developed. There is a large number of start-ups with international aspirations and high growth potential. Technology ranks high, with 41% of all start-ups being in the soft- and hardware sector. The other top branches include consumer goods, life sciences, creative industries, finance, energy and mobility. Whatever area your start-up will focus on – the Vienna Region offers it the best chances for success!

Portraits | Aviation Academy Austria – Vienna Region

Let me give you five reasons why you should set up your headquarters in the Vienna Region:

  • it is part of the 4th richest country of the European Union
  • a high quality of life at affordable prices
  • Excellent, highly-developed infrastructure
  • highly qualified workforce
  • outstanding spending capacity of customers
  • home to many international companies, universities as well as research facilities
  • direct access to South East and Eastern Europe
  • high level of personal security, political stability and legal certainty
  • an international as well as cosmopolitan region due to a population with migration background

What a founder-friendly location needs is a focus on the global market. Austria’s location in particular makes it an ideal hub for the international start-up scene in Central and Eastern Europe.

Would you like to find out more about the Vienna Region?

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